Illustration Friday: "Crash"
Here's a page from a little comic I did on the Trinity (from my "Katholic Kids: Savvy Sacraments" series). It basically consists of the Holy Spirit (the dove, for those of you who didn't have the pleasure to grow up Catholic) explaining the Father, Son, and himself to a clueless and inattentive kid. Here's the Holy Spirit insisting, somewhat desperately, that being part of an all-knowing and all-powerful trio leaves plenty of time to, you know, just hang out... 
From left to right: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Oh, and of course there's Mary's portrait on the wall behind them. There - what more religious education could you possibly need?

From left to right: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Oh, and of course there's Mary's portrait on the wall behind them. There - what more religious education could you possibly need?