Run, Molly, Run
I ran the Colonial Half Marathon this weekend in Williamsburg, Virginia. The course was hilly and tough and probably really pretty but I couldn't really tell what with all the rain and hail in my eyes. Yeah, the weather was miserable. And cold.
Here I am posing with my post-race bagel. Post-race beer not pictured. Also not pictured, my long-suffering husband (yes, we've only been married a year but he's already 'long-suffering'... poor thing) who somehow managed to get us to Williamsburg and back without crashing the car in the snow and ice. Thanks, Carlton! Yes, the entire day was an exercise in insanity, but is was totally worth it for the t-shirt. Seriously, in spite of the fact that I almost got us killed and I couldn't feel my face for about an hour afterwards, the race was lots of fun and I finished faster than I expected - 1:42! Whoop-dee-doo for me.

like when's your next marathon, slacker?
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