Illustration Friday: "Safe"

Here's a quick drawing of my sister Amy and me when we were little playing our twisted version of Strawberry Shortcake -- remember those dolls that each smelled like different fruits/desserts/whatever? Anyway, ours were stored in an airtight chest so they all smelled exactly the same (like a chemically sweetened airtight chest, I suppose), but I digress. I won't get too specific, but our version of playing "Strawberry Shortcake" cast the eponymous character as a ghost, only consulted in emergency situations...a sort of deceased oracle. Amy's playing the part of the apparently distressed Lemon Merengue here; I'm doing the creepy Strawberry Shortcake graveyard voice and being my controlling big sister self.
Okay, I've already said enough. What, you may ask, does this have to do with "safe"? Uh... good question. I guess we were safe in our little world of bizarro child fantasy? Yup, I'm stretching it. I just drew this and wanted to do something with it. Feel free to confess your own bizarre childhood games in the comments.
I don't think that's too much of a stretch!
There's nothing like being 9 and feeling safe enough to create a whole world of fearful creatures to thrill yourself and your companions with, knowing that there's an adult close by who'll be able to make them all go away with a piece of chocolate cake.
Almost as nice as being a parent and knowing you have that amazing power yourself now.
Thanks for sharing.
hey- great work...nice illo.
Nope, that's not stretching it. It's absolutely faboo...reminds me of all the weird games my brother and I used to play, or the ones my mom and her sister used to play or so I'm told! Great expressions!
Wonderful drawing. My sister and I spent many hours playing with our barbie & ken dolls and making our own paper dolls and their clothes while lying on the floor just like in your picture. I won't say what we made them do though when we played with them.
I wanted so madly have one of those... but now, you've made me think about it.
I like ur illo :D
I love this! To me, it totally shows how safe we feel to let our imaginations spill into our everyday actoin when we're kids...something we should do more of now that we're grown up. I had a friend who used to say that adults are deteriorated children. I think he was right! Great story and wonderful drawing!
I too am an older sister and my little sister LOVED Strawberry Shortcake and the whole gang. Your work made me smile and brought back some really great (and good smelling) memories. Thank you -- karie
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