Illustration Friday: "Insect"

I admit it: when it comes to bugs I am a giant wimpy girl (no offense to all you girls out there). So surviving the sighting of the most gigantic millipede I have ever seen in the mirror behind me in my own bedroom was no small feat. You see that accordion file on the little table on the right? It's filled with "important papers" of my husband's, or something. Probably drafts of the divorce documents. Anyway, I somehow managed -- without disturbing the giant beast on the wall behind me -- to grab the accordion file, spin around, and with deadly aim throw it across the room, killing and smearing the millipede all over the wall. And the floor. And the file. I know "killing innocent creatures" is wrong, but I consider this self-defense. No jury would convict me, etc.
(...and a millipede is probably not an insect... too many legs, right?)
Great sketch, lovely detail!
This a fantastic sketch! I love al the details and the look on your face!! LOL Good aim!
Great sketch and story. I love it.
Oh I can so relate. Great sketch
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